Member Stories

We have a rapidly growing community of people with CLOVES and a network of supporters who want to learn more.  Awareness leads to action and to understanding more about the disease and the unique needs of our community.  We are thankful to the people with CLOVES who have shared their stories with us.



Baseball is Evans’s outlet in everyday life. His teammates are supportive and encouraging. We are thankful he is healthy enough to play and keep up with his teammates.

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Meet Melody

Meet Melody

As far as I’ve been told, I’ve had CLOVES pretty much ever since the day I was born.  I’ve always felt physically different compared to others around me for my entire childhood, even to this day as a rising college…

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Meet Rad

Meet Rad

We found out our baby boy had CLOVES Syndrome when I was 7 months pregnant with him. We were fearful of the unknown but Rad came out happy, calm, and full of strength. He is the happiest baby and we…

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Loaves for CLOVES

Loaves for CLOVES

Loaves for CLOVES started when my daughter was in 3rd grade. I had been wanting to find a way to raise awareness and money for CLOVES, to do something to help. At the time, we thought a bake sale at…

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Meet Nate

Meet Nate

It was only a few years ago that I was officially diagnosed with CLOVES. To have an official diagnosis answers a lot of questions and it’s great to know I’m not alone. Even though I have had limitations all my…

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